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A more dynamic and unconventional meeting 

|    4 people    |    7 weeks    |

This project aimed to develop a new meeting and resting area for visitors at the Swedish Exhibition and Congress Centre in Gothenburg. The outcome was a modular system in three parts that can be put together into a variety of shapes. By the module characteristic shapes and combinations abilities they create new and exciting meeting spaces. By offering diverse opportunities for the fair visitors to interact with the meeting modules they create a different and more unconventional meeting. We were inspired by the meetings that occur on, for example, a staircase or at a bar. Also the line between what is a sitting area and what is serves as table top blur and the visitor himself has the ability to use the space in a manner that favoring the specific meeting.

Module 1 


Module 2 


Module 3 




Dynamic and unconventional meeting 

vy modul

The hexagon - A corporation to create the fair of the future


This module project was a part of a larger project where we were a total of 20 people. One of the five groups worked up a new concept where the structure at the fair is designed from a hexagon grid system. From that system also the modules got its shape. The modules serve as an interruption to the hexagon shape of the room - while there is a clear relationship between them. This enables kinship and the  common basic shapes also make the modules always fitting perfectly in the room.

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+46 73-6844925

© Ami Olin Nordenmarker

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